yuyuko-bot / src / main / scala / constants / YuyukoReplies.scala
@Илья Панфёров Илья Панфёров on 15 Jul 1 KB fix: Update yuyuko
package social.gensokyo.discordbot
package constants

object YuyukoReplies {
  private val replies: Array[String] = Array(
    "What? Dinner?",
    "Mmm, food.",
    "God I'm so hungry.",
    "Dinner, NOW!",
    "Do you ever just... think about food?",
    "If you're not going to feed me then I suggest you to not bother me again.",
    "I want some fried rice",
    "I want some ramen noodles",
    "I want some shrimp tempira",
    "I want some okonomiyaki",
    "I want some sushi",
    "I want some eggplant tempura",
    "I want some miso soup",
    "I want some shortcake",
    "I want some cheesecake",
    "I want some bananas",
    "I want Mystia for dinner.",
    "I want Kutaka for dinner.",
    "I sure would love a milkshake right now",
    "Who? Me? No, I'm not really gluttonous. I just like to eat a lot.",
    "Hmmm... I wonder what's for dinner",
    "If eating food was illegal I wouldn't know what to do... Wait, of course not, I'd just keep eating food.",
    "Are you here to feed me? No? Drop dead.",
    "Either you feed me, or I'll eat you.")

  def getLine: Option[String] =
    replies.lift(scala.util.Random.between(0, replies.length - 1))